Department of Science and Innovation

Department of Science and Innovation is a subdivision of planning and monitoring the activities of the university in the field of organizing scientific research, innovative activities and training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel.


  • strategic planning for the development of scientific and innovative activities of the university;
  • implementation of organizational and methodological support of research activities of the university departments;
  • assistance in attracting additional sources of funding for research activities, assistance in drawing up applications for grants;
  • preparation of proposals and draft agreements on scientific cooperation with external organizations;
  • maintaining information support and monitoring the publication activity of the university;
  • formation of an integral system of training and professional growth of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, providing conditions for the promotion of scientific research and development of the university in the world scientific community;
  • improvement, coordination and support of research work of students and young scientists of the university;
  • a qualitative increase in the scientometric indicators of the university through systematic and automated collection, systematization, storage, analysis of performance in science and innovation;
  • support and development of youth science, the use of the results of scientific activities and the scientific and technical base of the university;
  • coverage of the results of scientific research of teachers, employees, doctoral students, undergraduates;
  • formation and publication of "Bulletin of AOGU".