Your NO - matters

Corrupt is translated from English as "depraved, corrupt". Corruption is abuse of office, giving a bribe, accepting a bribe, abuse of authority, commercial bribery or other illegal use by an individual of his official position in order to obtain profit.

Dear students! Corruption is a social evil: it oppresses business, exacerbates social inequality, makes it difficult for the poor to access free public services (education, medicine, etc.), corrupts the political system, and contributes to political instability. The problem of corruption has become widespread and has affected all spheres of public life - this is happening all over the world.

The level of everyday corruption is influenced by the stereotypes that have developed in the public consciousness (the established attitude towards events, actions, deeds). Therefore, one of the ways to combat corruption consciousness is the formation of other ideas, legal education.

Dear students! Anti-corruption culture is a personality trait that includes knowledge about corruption, its negative impact on the level of development of society and its security. This is the state of a person who does not want to put up with manifestations of corruption, seeks to eliminate this phenomenon. These are values and abilities aimed at manifesting an active civil position in relation to corruption. At the university, not only the formation of professionals takes place, but also of citizens who respect the law, who have a high legal and general culture.

Today, there are many countries with a low level of corruption: Singapore, Hong Kong, Portugal, Sweden. This clearly speaks in favor of the fact that methods of combating corruption exist.

It is not enough to fight against social causes; you need to put things in order in your minds.


Attention! These statements serve as an allusion to a bribe:

  • "The issue is difficult to resolve, but it is possible ..."
  • "Thank you, you can't spread it on bread ..."
  • "Let's agree ..."
  • "What are we going to do?"
  • "We need more weighty arguments ..."
  • "Parameters need to be discussed ...".


Attention! Discussion of these topics is also a hint of a bribe:

  • Low wages, lack of money;
  • Desire to purchase something, to receive a service;
  • Lack of work for family members or loved ones;
  • The need to pay for the education of children in any educational institution, etc.


International Anti-Corruption Day - on December 9